Sydney’s Restaurant is Moving From Mantua

UPDATE: Sydney’s hasn’t moved! I spoke with owner Denise Hardy a couple of weeks ago, and her druthers would be to stay at the current location in Mantua, if she can get enough business through the winter months. She’s looked at several possible locations, but hasn’t made any decision yet. So if you’d like to keep Sydney’s in its current location, consider stopping in soon.
Sydney’s, the fun restaurant that morphed out of a Mantua campground, may be moving from its Sardine Canyon location.
Sydney’s FB page has a “We Are Moving” meme, with this letter:
“The Sydney’s story is a beautiful legacy; very fitting, as we named it the restaurant after our beautiful mother. Mom taught us so many life lessons. She left us with great recipes and she taught us how to care for others. We are so grateful for the support of our customers, family and friends. Without your love and support this would not be possible, thank you!
“Our economy, our local government leaders, and increasing costs have forced us to make some difficult decisions.We will be open as usual throughout this week. We will open next week with a shortened schedule and offerings that will be posted soon. During this transition we would still love to host your holiday parties and cater for you. Any and all support is welcome.We look forward to giving our new location and seeing your faces soon.
Thank You!
S. Denise Hardy & Steve Flint, Owners
NOTE: An update on the FB page gives its new shortened schedule — in Mantua for now:
We will be open for lunch Tuesday-Thursday 11:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.We will be open all day Friday & Saturday 11:00a.m. to 9:00p.m.Please come and see us. We look forward to serving you and seeing your smiling faces. Thank You for your support! 130 N. Main Mantua, UT
Having written about Sydney’s in the past, I’ve been concerned about where Sydney’s will re-locate. I called the restaurant, but Denise wasn’t in. The staffer answering the phone said she thought they were looking for somewhere with more traffic during the winter months. It sounded as if Brigham City might be a possibility. But, it’s only speculation at this point.

Anyone who’s been to Sydney’s understands that the Old West ambiance is a big part of the charm. High wooden beams are strewn strewn with loops of antique barbed wire, old cowboy hats and boots, a saddle that belonged to Hardy’s great-grandfather, and bear hides. A rock fireplace is flanked by mounts of elk and buffalo heads, and other country-style memorabilia. The décor came from family, customers, and yard sales that owner Denise Hardy’s special-needs son likes to frequent. Even the restrooms have a vintage country charm. I hope the restaurant’s next home has room for all that decor.

It’s off the beaten path — take the Mantua exit a few miles north of Brigham City, and follow the road into town. Sydney’s is the big red barn-like building next to what is now the Mantua Waterfront RV Resort.

In the past couple years, Sydney’s was building a reputation as a destination, . Or at least, a stop-off on the way to Logan.

On the menu, there was a bit of something for everyone — the Mantua Monster burger, the Flintski chicken sandwich, street tacos, crispy potato spring rolls, chile relleno grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken-fried strip steak, house-made onion rings. On Saturday nights, there was often a waiting line for the prime rib special.

And you can polish off meals with decadent desserts such as carrot cake and cheesecake.

Many of Sydney’s customers came from out-of-town, Hardy told me in an interview last year. Many of them were there for the boating and fishing at the next-door Mantua reservoir, or those staying at the campground. When she and her brother Steve Flint first opened Sydney’s, they already owned the campground. Last year, it was sold. When my husband and I stayed overnight there in August, part of the draw was that we could go to Sydney’s for dinner.
But, once summer is over, there’s apparently less traffic and fewer people wanting to brave Sardine Canyon in winter.
We’re looking forward to hearing what Sydney’s next chapter will be. Meanwhile, this coming week is apparently our last chance to experience Sydney’s in its original setting.