Kelsey Nixon’s Fun Faces

CIMG0569Kelsey Nixon, host of the Food Network’s “Kelsey’s Essentials,” is known for her bubbly personality.

On Thursday night, she was in Salt Lake City signing copies of her new cookbook, “Kitchen Confidence.”  It was fun to watch her animated facial expressions while chatting with fans. Kelsey is definitely lets her personality show, whether on camera or in person.

Kelsey took a minute to photograph the recipes that Gygi’s staff had made for sampling. The Essential Yellow Birthday

CIMG0566CIMG0576CIMG0579Cake, Sausage and Fennel Stuffed Mushrooms, Ratatouille Tart, Roasted Tomato Soup and Sweet Pea Soup all came from her cookbook.

Heather Smith of Gygi noted that Kelsey first got her start in Gygi’s beautiful teaching kitchen. That was where she filmed her first pilot of “Kelsey’s Kitchen” as a BYU student.  So life has come full circle, as she returned a TV star and cookbook author.

Kelsey’s mom, Kathy Nixon, was at the book signing too.

“From the time she was a small child, Kelsey believed in herself,” Kathy said. “She was not afraid to experience failure and take risks — to shoot for the stars. She was not afraid to miss.”




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