A few days ago I posted about the Utah State Fair’s Governor’s Favorite Pie Contest being changed to a the Governor’s Favorite Meatloaf Contest.
I found out a little bit more about it by talking to Clark Caras, the new director of the fair and a former member of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. He told me that the change was an effort to switch things up a little and bring some variety to the cooking contests.
Last year, the competition was changed to Governor Herbert’s Favorite Muffins Contest. This year, when he and the staff were talking about the contests, he pointed out that, “I have a personal knowledge that one of his favorite foods is meatloaf.”
The online entry deadline for all the indoor cooking contests is Aug. 26. You can find the rules for the cooking competitions at (
Unfortunately, there are fewer opportunities to win this year. Past sponsors such as Hidden Valley Ranch, Spam, Malt-O-Meal, SACO and Lindsay Olives dropped their competitions.