Heber Valley Artisan Cheese Names an Honorary Cheesemonger
Chelsea Rae Cunningham of Heber has been named as Heber Valley Artisan Cheese’s first Honorary Cheesemonger. She and three friends will spend an evening touring the factory in Heber, sampling cheese and creating and naming her own flavor of Heber Valley Artisan Cheese.
When the company’s Facebook page hit 1,000 likes, officials randomly selected a fan to become the first honorary cheesemonger.
Heber Valley Artisan Cheese will have contests to expand the Cheesemonger club, offering members new flavors first and other exclusive benefits. Go to the company’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heber-Valley-Artisan-Cheese/139840646082584.
I visited the store last year when my husband and I were driving through Heber. Great cheese! Those who are headed up that way for Swiss Days, might want to drop by.